How Beauty Pie works, and product reviews

Female brunette with towel on head after shower shaving face with foam and blade looking away.

This is probably my most asked for post and one I’ve been drafting for months, but every time I was nearly done they’d release something new that I’d want to try so kept holding off. I’ve been a Beauty Pie member for nearly 4 years now, and later worked with the brand through my company. We kicked off influencer marketing for them, and it worked. The concept is simple = quality skincare at cost price. Think of it as the Netflix for beauty - pay a subscription and get access to the products, at cost price.

My recommended products are below and a summary of how the concept itself works. If you’re interested you can get £50 extra credit with a membership using the code ANNASENTME, and please note all links used are affiliate links.

So, what is Beauty Pie?

For those living under a rock Beauty Pie is a direct to consumer make up and skincare concept that effectively cuts out the middlemen by sourcing top grade product direct from the laboratories and warehouses. I can neither confirm nor deny that some of these products are exactly the same as household name luxury brands – and I can tell you with 100% confidence that they are just as effective.

The brand was founded by Marcia Kilgore who was able to launch the concept through her vast contact book and understanding of the beauty industry. She looked at the standard model and realised how insane it was that brands usually mark up the true value of a product by as much as 80% to cover profit, marketing costs, store front cost, fancy packaging, etc. In addition, with various EU trading limits it meant that laboratories often weren’t able to sell full quantities of the formulations they were making for luxury brands – so Beauty Pie initially started by buying the surpluses (hence the constant “speculation” with parallels to brands like La Mer, NARS, Eve Lom, Laura Mercier, Diptyque and Charlotte Tilbury).

Once up and running, the additional benefit of the concept is that it allows key new developments in skincare to get into the hands of consumers much more quickly. As the majority of beauty brands are part of larger parent groups, there is always an umbrella strategy to streamline launches over a period of time so each brand has their moment to shine. So, say for example a new development is made in retinol – it would be fair to say that any brand sitting under a big group (eg: Estee Lauder, Loreal, Shiseido) wouldn’t be able to instantly buy it from a lab and sell it to a consumer as they’ll already have a 1 or 2 year marketing calendar with launches. Beauty Pie doesn’t have that issue which is also preferable to the laboratories too – meaning there have been a number of instances where they’ve been the pioneers with new ingredients or formulation technology – and all of this is sold to the consumer at cost price.

Beauty Pie make their money through their memberships (as none is made by the sale or product, hence shipping costs etc) and they have various models. I have the annual plan and have had it for about 3 years now. The various tiers allow you a “spending allowance” which is the amount of RRP price product you are able to buy with your membership. Unspent allowance can roll over to the next month. If you’re just after make up you would probably be fine with the £10 a month model, if you want the skincare or supplements you will need £20+. You’ll easily get your money’s worth – for example a premium grade retinol cream will cost you £11 with a membership, whereas it’d cost you £90 to buy at other retailers; an £80 saving.


1. super retinol with vitamin c

Beauty Pie’s Retinol offering might seem a little overwhelming to someone new so I’ll try and explain as simply as it was to me a few years ago. Retinol is an anti aging ingredient which works by activating the dermis layer of your skin boosting the production of elastin and collagen. It often causes a reaction at first use because of this “activating” method, so you should start gently with one or two uses per week in the evenings and then build it up – I use it every day when possible. Please note retinol is not suitable for those trying to conceive, during pregnancy or breastfeeding. In terms of choosing between which one to use I picked the variant with Vitamin C as partnered with retinol, it can be super effective for pigmentation and skin tone. If you have more of an issue with hydration or general skin health I would pick the variant with Ceramides and Hyaluronic, here.

2. Super retinol hand cream

This was one of the first products I ever bought from Beauty Pie and will forever be a favourite. Before this I didn’t really understand the point of regularly using hand creams unless there was a cut or dryness. I kept it on my desk and tried to make an effort to use every day. Within a week or so I glanced at my hands and the only reaction I can give is that it looked like my hands had been photoshopped! I wouldn’t have said I had old hands before but my god did they look more youthful. I promptly bought one for a few friends and mother, all of whom say the same thing. Totally recommend and I really think it should come with a satisfaction guarantee.

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3. plantastic cleansing balm

This was the second cleansing balm I ever used, I bought it after realising for myself that having oily skin really does mean I should use oil based cleansers but not wanting to spend a fortune on other options. So, I had high expectations having only used an expensive one and still comes out on top for me. The smell is like an apricot butter (which is pretty much what it is) and it works like a dream. Brilliant for getting a proper clean without feeling like you’re stripping your skin – really good for keeping a tan too, for unknown reasons. Don’t be afraid of balms, they really do work well – just make you have dry hands when you go to take some out to make sure it doesn’t spoil what’s left in the pot.

4. vitamin D and K2 supplement capsules

I get asked a lot about Beauty Pie’s supplements range and I have tried them all. I do think they’re very good and having gone through some blood tests whilst taking the multivit, Vitamin D and Omega tablets I can tell you that I got all the recommended levels. But the one I really noticed a difference in is the Vitamin D, I can’t tell you it was definitely the brand’s own version but given that it’s £30 cheaper if these work then I don’t see why you’d go anywhere else. Each capsule is the equivalent of 15 mins sunshine and I really do feel more upbeat from taking them.

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5. superdose vitamin C Serum Brightener

I probably need to do a deeper post on pigmentation, longer term followers of my blog or Instagram will know I get awful marks around my lips and nose the minute the sun comes out no matter what I do (some zinc-based suncreams help, I’ll do a separate post). I have tried so many things, but when it comes to value for money the Super Dose Serum is hands down the best I’ve tried and worth a membership on its own. You need to use it every day and pair with a gentle yet effective cleanser (the Plantastic one above works really well with it) and you’ll see a difference in a week or so. I’ve had friends of various skin tones give it a go and had really good results. For it’s strength it’s gentle on the skin and I cannot rate it enough – pair with a retinol to give it an extra boost, and lay off acid toners for a little bit as there is a misconception that stripping the top layer of skin will help pigmentation – the reality is it often lies underneath meaning all you’re doing is making the darkened skin show up more… (not a professional explanation, but this is how I explain the results to myself).

6. Dr Glycolic Pads

I’m going to be honest, I don’t know how these stack up from an environmental perspective and have a feeling they’re not very good for that. However, they really do work. The combination of Glycolic and Niacinamide seems to be a winner for me; it helps me with breakouts, minimise them when they do appear and most of all it really helps me with areas prone to getting blackheads. I don’t find it dries my skin out but if you do, I’d recommend pairing with a simple vitamin E cream or hyaluronic. This works for boys too; my other half uses them.

7. Footopia Foot Cream

This cream really was a “I didn’t know I needed one until now.” I love a pedicure, but in terms of footcare I never really got it. I was given my first one of these and to give you some idea of how much I love this, when it went out of stock I emailed their customer services no less than 8 times to find out exactly when it would be back. I’ve actually just ordered two more. It is so refreshing to put on, and it really makes a difference to your feet. As it’s a fiver, give it a go if you have enough allowance left. 

8. Double-sided cleansing towels

I can completely understand that when you have a limited allowance, spending any of it on a cloth might seem a bit dumb but these really are good. What I like is, as in the name, they’re double sided. So I use one side to take off my cleanser and the other more linen side to apply my toner. With 3 in a pack they last me a week and then I throw them in the wash (don’t tumble dry them, the linen side shrinks).

9. superactive Capsules

Putting these at number 9 really doesn’t do them justice. I think the idea of capsules is genius for any skincare newbie. It’s a controlled amount of a new ingredient for you to try. Beauty Pie aren’t the first to do this but they are the best price wise, this is where the concept really shines as it allows people to try quality ingredients without the price tag (and then if it works you can decide if you want to invest in another brand). They don’t do a retinol one because in their view capsules aren’t the best way to store it, but they do have a Ceramide, a Vitamin C and a Resveratrol. My favourite is probably the Ceramide one as the formulation is great for not only improving your skin with its own ingredients but acting as a great base to help other products perform better for you. For anyone with pigmentation issues, using the Resveratrol alongside retinols and vitamin Cs will really help boost results.

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10. Fruitzyme Five Minute Facial

This is a product I’ve used since the first day I signed up for Beauty Pie having received a sample and been a little blown away by the results. I still don’t get how it does what it does and feel a bit daft saying it “just works.” But it’s true. It’s a facial in a scrub and does everything from dislodging clogged pores to a really thorough buff and scrub. I’ve never not had this in my cupboard and use it probably once a week on and off (I tend not to as much in the summer as I have a feeling it would strip a tan a little).

11. Ultralight SPF25 face cream

Probably more of a make up product for me, but an essential none the less. I use this every day I put make up on. I use it as a primer and an SPF, I mix it with my tinted moisturiser (I use Bare Minerals or NARS) which also has SPF in it so doesn’t compromise the protection. For fairer skins there is an SPF 50 version too, but I really like the Ultralight as its got liquorice in it which really helps with puffiness (superb if you’ve have a gin or two the night before).

12. Super Healthy Skin Body Crème

This is the smell of summer for me, I used it as an after sun during our last holiday. It really is just so good which feels like a bit of a dud statement but it does exactly what you want from a body cream. It smells divine, it’s moisturising, I noticed a reduction in ingrowing hairs (TMI) because - I assume - my skin is softer. The ingredients also really support getting a tan when the weather is right. All in all, it’s 10/10 from me.

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13. Super pore detox charcoal face mask

It’s only now, years after first using this, that having had a good look at the ingredients that I understand why this mask is just so good. Every person who ever gets any kind of spot should own a charcoal face mask. The pure ingredient on its own would do a lot, but the Beauty Pie one also brings lactic, salicylic and glycolic acids. It also has eucalyptus and liquorice – two super detoxifying ingredients. In terms of use, remember that a mask like this will (trying to think of the right words) essentially speed up the “life” of a spot. So, if one is brewing under the skin it’ll bring it out, and if it’s already out it’ll calm it down. With that in mind I wouldn’t use it before a big day, instead maybe a few days before. I use mine every fortnight, more so if I get a breakout. It does make your skin go red because it brings everything to the surface. Don’t panic, that means it’s working. 

14. Awesome bronze tanning foam

Again, this is where the concept comes in – this self tan is identical to some of the leading names in the market and a fraction of the price. I use the lighter one, and even as someone who can hold a deep tan I find leaving it on for minimum time gives me enough. It’s quite strong. It fades well over time, lasts about 4/5 days and doesn’t ruin your sheets (as long as you let it fully dry before you get into bed). It has the standard fake tan smell when wet but not overpowering. Overall I really recommend it.

15. Super healthy hair repair treatment

I’ve tried the majority of the hair range and was impressed; the hair boosters are very good and do exactly what they say they will. I also liked the detox shampoo a lot. However, the stand out for me is the Repair Treatment as I use quite a lot of more expensive brands (thanks to my job) and have to say this really does stack up against them. I have a lot of quite fine hair which can get greasy and flat easily. So I don’t use this on my roots, I just use it on my ends and it really does suppress the need for a haircut (thank goodness, given the current situation) by a good month or so. I have less split ends and they don’t go brittle and dry when I use this once a week.

So that’s it, I hope you found this useful as it can be a complex concept to get your head around and knowing where to spend can be a bit overwhelming. I completely trust the brand to bring quality products, knowing the founder a little I know she wouldn’t let anything come out that wasn’t top notch. If you are interested, you can get an extra £50 allowance to spend with the code ANNASENTME. Enjoy!


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